Thursday, March 16, 2006
One of "those" days. Dropped by the post office to pick up the package that had my Palm Paddles in it, send off the QSL cards and find out how much postage is required to send QSL cards to Canada. ($0.63)
On the way out find that my front left tire is starting to get REALLY bad on the outside tread. Well... discretion is the better part of valour, and cowardess is the better part of discretion, so I went home, dropped off the Saab and took the truck to work.
Last minute check-in on the 9am Talk net.
Lunch was spent running SWR curves on work's abandon ham station and its antennas. One is supposed to be a vertical and the other one is a VHF/UHF discone. Both seem to be working, but the vertical is tuned for DX not local stuff.
That's both good and bad. Good in that the antenna is working. Bad in that when we were playing with the existing transceiver we couldn't get any power out. We were assuming that the antenna was bad and the transceiver was "folding back." That might not be the case... More testing needed.
I was really looking forward to this evening's ARRL/W1AW code qualification run. Tuned to the frequency on 80m and heard...
... nothing. Greg, KI6CK pointed out that while the time was in local time, the date was in UTC. Missed it by 24 hours. Oh well... I'll be even better next month!
We did a couple go around CW QSO, for which I had reasonable enough copy.
Repaired the FT-817 power cable and gave some thought to operating tomorrow at noon.
The work station has a Bencher paddle. Just like mine only in much better shape.
Time for bed...
73 de WyreRider
One of "those" days. Dropped by the post office to pick up the package that had my Palm Paddles in it, send off the QSL cards and find out how much postage is required to send QSL cards to Canada. ($0.63)
On the way out find that my front left tire is starting to get REALLY bad on the outside tread. Well... discretion is the better part of valour, and cowardess is the better part of discretion, so I went home, dropped off the Saab and took the truck to work.
Last minute check-in on the 9am Talk net.
Lunch was spent running SWR curves on work's abandon ham station and its antennas. One is supposed to be a vertical and the other one is a VHF/UHF discone. Both seem to be working, but the vertical is tuned for DX not local stuff.
That's both good and bad. Good in that the antenna is working. Bad in that when we were playing with the existing transceiver we couldn't get any power out. We were assuming that the antenna was bad and the transceiver was "folding back." That might not be the case... More testing needed.
I was really looking forward to this evening's ARRL/W1AW code qualification run. Tuned to the frequency on 80m and heard...
... nothing. Greg, KI6CK pointed out that while the time was in local time, the date was in UTC. Missed it by 24 hours. Oh well... I'll be even better next month!
We did a couple go around CW QSO, for which I had reasonable enough copy.
Repaired the FT-817 power cable and gave some thought to operating tomorrow at noon.
The work station has a Bencher paddle. Just like mine only in much better shape.
Time for bed...
73 de WyreRider