Monday, March 13, 2006

(From 3/13/06)

Got out of the house on time, dragging my Yaesu FT-817 and newly created Power Pole power cord with me.

Got the 40m ham stick out of Inga the Wonder Saab's hatchback and popped it into the lip mount I installed on Saturday afternoon. It looks rediculous and is probably mechanically unsound, but hey... It's on the air.

Tuned initially to 7.250, but the LSB sounded low, so I went up to 7.251 and lo and behold there was the Gordo "Rescue ARES" Net.

I was in business.

Following the "Listen, listen, listen then talk" philosophy I monitored for about 10 minutes, until he was asking for Bay Area check-ins.

Called once. He came back to somebody else.

Tried again. Hey, that's MY callsign! So I checked in and reported the snow on Bear Creek Rd in the Santa Cruz mountains.

Fine Business. It works!!! Not bad for 5W, eh?

I'll try the noon-time net today too.

Lessons learned:
The mount isn't mechanically sound. Need a better one.
Need a portable log book.
I heard some alternator noise, need to investigate the noise blanker and maybe direct routing the wiring to the battery. (Sorry Dan).

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