Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The good:

Good CW QSO with Greg (KI6CK) this evening. Also talked with JV on the repeater.
Also stopped by the candy store and picked up a 3' patch cable for the shack at work. Tomorrow at lunch we'll be able to play with the antenna and rig, with a reasonable SWR. Oh boy.

The so-so:

Called CQ on 28.160 and 7.050 to no avail. Chased W9ZN around 40m for a while but he would QSY every time I tried to come back to his CQ. I don't understand that. But oh well. I'll make something work eventually.
Put in some email to a guy about an Alinco DX-70TH for the Saab. He responded that the radio was available, but then stopped replying to email.

What's up, do I have a case of garlic karma or what?

The bad:
Nobody picked up the SLVARES net. Since I was in the middle of dinner with the kids I didn't feel like interrupting that to take the net. Sigh. Can't hold the entire world up...

73 es good night de WyreRider

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