Sunday, March 19, 2006

Yesterday was a busy day.

Started out about 10:00am. Ray R (KG6GPE), the San Lorenzo Valley (SLV) Emergency Cooridinator (EC), was supposed to give an introductory presentation on the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) to a group of just licensed hams.

Unfortunately he got called away on business, so I gave the presentation for him. It went pretty well, but people didn't like the "cockroaches of the communication world" analogy. Oh well. Chuckle.

Also took an Arrow antenna, the FT-817, and the autopatch instructions to give "touchy feelie" demos for the students.

JV and I were trying to get the K6FB crew a set of batteries to replace their old "backup batteries" unfortunately the set of three that the guy selected/took, had 2/3 bad batteries. BAD LUCK. I'll need to see what I can do to "make that right."

Then there was a "get internet to the K6BJ repeater site" committee meeting. Oh my goodness. What did I have in my head when I volunteered to go to committee meetings on my days off??? Oye! 2 hour meetings every other week for a task that should take about 4-6 hours of work. As one participant put it, "we could do this with with a paper clip hanging out of the back of the radio."

At the end of the day tried CW practice with Sam, KE6ZRW, but we could barely hear each other on 2m CW. Not having much luck. Sam has a hard time hearing on 10m CW too.

Greg, KI6CK did send some CW on his mike PTT button. I copied him better that way than with his keyer. chuckle.

On to another day...

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