Monday, May 15, 2006
Made it into the "Gordo" net this morning on the way into work.
Also a quick 9AM Talk Net check-in.
Also got into the Noontime net. But the rig was dimming again. Plus the SWR was high to the hamstick. Gotta work that out one of these days... I have this nagging urge to get a set of paddles or a key for the mobile rig... I guess CW really is addictive.
This evening I practiced CW with Sam, KE6ZRW on 2m.
I've decided that my apparent "reduction" in speed was actually a symptom of working into faster QSOs.
The keyer is set to 15 WPM and I've been spacing for about 12-13 (I think). As I've had more QSOs I've probably been "ooching" up in speed. Thus the reduction in copy percentage.
That's OK, I can live with that. To double check my theory I ran a couple sessions of Morse Runner and I'm at 13 QSOs in 15 minutes. Which is where I was. But now, I'm just barely getting denied moving to 14 where as before it was lucky if I made 13.
Short term goals:
Mid-term goals:
Time for bed.
Also a quick 9AM Talk Net check-in.
Also got into the Noontime net. But the rig was dimming again. Plus the SWR was high to the hamstick. Gotta work that out one of these days... I have this nagging urge to get a set of paddles or a key for the mobile rig... I guess CW really is addictive.
This evening I practiced CW with Sam, KE6ZRW on 2m.
I've decided that my apparent "reduction" in speed was actually a symptom of working into faster QSOs.
The keyer is set to 15 WPM and I've been spacing for about 12-13 (I think). As I've had more QSOs I've probably been "ooching" up in speed. Thus the reduction in copy percentage.
That's OK, I can live with that. To double check my theory I ran a couple sessions of Morse Runner and I'm at 13 QSOs in 15 minutes. Which is where I was. But now, I'm just barely getting denied moving to 14 where as before it was lucky if I made 13.
Short term goals:
- One CW QSO per day, two on weekends.
- Ten contest QSOs in the next Spartan Sprint.
Mid-term goals:
- 500 CW QSOs
- 20 WPM
- Worked All States on CW.
Time for bed.