Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sorry for no updates for a couple of days.

Life was really busy.

Let's see. Wednesday...

Nobody wanted to be Net Control for the 9AM Talk Net. So I did it mobile for the 20 minutes from 17 & 85 to work. Did OK, but had really bad luck on call signs breaking. It was really hard to pick them off. Oh well. Nobody else stepped up and I did a reasonable job.

Thursday. A yearly celebration. Was volunteered to give the "2 way radio" segment to the SLV CERT training class. It ran about 1/2 an hour and from the questions it seemed like the class was fully engaged and learning well. wo0t!

Friday. Had a doctor's appointment, which I messed up and missed by a week... Anyhow made for a really productive Friday ham-wise. Four. Count them four contacts on Friday.

There is a FISTS sprint today, so if I get a spare hour, I'll try that.

Gotta go put my QSL cards in the mail now...

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