Sunday, June 18, 2006


According to DX Propagation the bands were not in really good shape tonight. I was also really tired, so I did a pair of Morse Runner sessions instead of getting on the air.

I've been using Morse Runner as a benchmark on my CW skills. Morse Runner is a "contest simulator" that includes QRN (natural noise), QRM (other ham signals interfering with you), QSB (fading), flutter, and LIDs (other contesters who don't know the rules, forget to log you, send you the wrong numbers, etc...) It makes for a really good practice session if you can't get on the air...

Anyway... I'd been trying to break 15 QSOs in a 15 minute period ever since I started using the software.

Now I've been getting better, first it was about 8, but writing everything down. I've been slowly inching up, but the ellusive 15 QSOs in 15 minutes has alluded me for months.

Tonight I got it!

UTC Call Recv Sent Pref Chk
00:00:50 OE6MY 599 002 599 001 OE6
00:01:16 KG4DX 599 001 599 002 KG4
00:01:52 G0CHE 599 002 599 003 G0
00:04:54 M0CMK 599 004 599 004 M0
00:05:26 JA8HCH 599 002 599 005 JA8
00:06:08 K1GUN 599 012 599 006 K1
00:06:39 UT7M 599 007 599 007 UT7
00:07:25 ON6LO 599 019 599 008 ON6
00:08:51 EA5AKR 599 002 599 009 EA5
00:09:57 OK1ITK 599 025 599 010 OK1
00:10:24 K9JE 599 018 599 011 K9
00:11:13 OK1KCF 599 021 599 012 OK1
00:11:57 PY1LI 599 022 599 013 PY1
00:13:12 VE2OWL 599 017 599 014 VE2
00:14:01 N1OEF 599 011 599 015 N1

The 15 WPM seems really readable. I'm copying most callsigns correctly the first pass.

Good deal. I am getting better!

73 and gud nite.

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