Monday, October 09, 2006

Life has finally settled down enough so I could get on the air for a random CW QSO this evening.

N9TMU "Clay" from IL.

Darn that feels good.

(And that was after a full day of work, a post-placement assessment from the social worker in charge of Joey's adoption, a 20 minute talk on comparative religion with my 7 year old daughter...)

Life is good.


On Saturday I worked the Ridgetrail Cruz event.

Got to spend from 9:30 until 2:30 on the ridge just west of Skyline Road. Wonderful weather.

Things were REALLY slow about noon so I set up my FT-817 with the Miracle Whip. 40 meters was in beautiful condition. Signals from EVERYWHERE were loud with almost no noise.

Unfortunately I couldn't get out using the Miracle Whip. Sigh... Why bother?

I wanted to get on the air for the California QSO Party that evening, but the XYL had me booked for a "real life" party. I had fun, but the contesting would have been a good experience too.

So it goes.

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