Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Slow night.

20m, 30m, 40m and 80m pretty much dead. I sent CQs here and there but to no response.

What the heck, tuned 160m and there was a bit of activity. One guy calling CQ.

I answered back and got him on the second call. We both had mediocre signal reports so it was a two and out, but... that was my first CW QSO on 160m.

My antenna is a 1/4 wave inverted-u over a 70 foot oak tree. It's feedpoint is 6-8 feet off the ground and has a single tuned radial. It is fed with 450 ohm ladder line back to the shack window. Then in a 4:1 balun, a couple feet of coax and into the tuner.

It isn't pretty, and probably is really lousy, but it IS on the air.

So there! Pbbbt!

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