Tuesday, December 05, 2006

As for station improvements... I'm working down a list.

1) S9++ power line noise:
2) Better antenna(s). This will be an incremental effort due to negotiations with the XYL.
  1. Europe-facing 15m/30m fan dipole (I put up a dedicated 15m dipole for SS)
  2. Replace existing G5RV Jr with 20m EDZ
  3. VHF/UHF/uwave improvements over what I have (for what little it is worth...)
  4. More radials for the 80/160m antenna then unknown at this time improvements.
Operator skills improvement: More "time in chair" for experience and better skills.
Winning the lottery so I can move to a more RF-friendly location.

I _will_ improve and do significantly better. However, my available time is constrained by family commitments.

It's about the improvements at this point.

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