Sunday, September 30, 2007

So I've been staging/integrating the CQP station most of the afternoon.

I promised to get on the air for the CQ WW RTTY contest. Had the filters installed in the radio, the radio working, the computer attached and mostly working with the radio...

... but I couldn't get the antenna to load up. Tried a couple different things, but it still wouldn't load up.

Physically inspected it. "Oh, there it IS!" No connection from the center conductor of the SO-259 UHF connector socket and that side of the actual antenna.

No worries, I tore it apart and soldered in a new wire to make the connection.

Lo and behold! It works.

Time on the clock? 5:06 pm PDT. Six minutes after the end of the contest.

Not a single RTTY on the bands anywhere.

Oh well.

I still need to do the following things this evening:

To do tomorrow:

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