Saturday, September 15, 2007

Today was the first day of the FISTS "Get Your Feet Wet" contest (about the same as the old Novice Roundup).

Since the contractors finished early I got to play some radio. Not sure how many contacts I've made today. It's all paper log. All hand keyed. But... A bunch.

Heck I even picked up DE!!!

Also made a couple of contacts in the WA QSO Party. Not lots, but enough so that folks don't have to worry about me being thrown out as Unique.

Plus two normal, non-contest CW QSOs. One was normal FISTS QSO, the other guy was just calling CQ.

I'm basically a ragchewer at heart so will typically take time out of a contest to have a nice CW ragchew.

It's all good.

But my head is spinning and I'm hearing CW even with the radio off.

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